Post-Parsercomp beta tester wanted for Beef Beans Grief Greens

This topic describes the features I’ve added with automated and engineering testing. None seem huge on their own, but they add up.

So I figure with all the teaks there are some cases I just didn’t look into, or there are test cases I assumed worked or didn’t, or I got an if statement flipped.

Thus I need someone who’s willing to just check off that the changes make sense to a human player, whether or not they had a look in ParserComp.

I have Zarf’s regtest scripts, and all the tests pass. But that’s all technical!

The stuff that probably most needs checking, in priority:

  • the two new warp items
  • making sure the new carryall/inventory declutterer doesn’t do anything weird
  • general help text so the player isn’t misled
  • the two new points

I’m also much more able to act on suggestions about the prose. The story didn’t really come out as I wanted it to. So if someone is just willing to read a game-winning transcript, that is actually quite helpful.

I’m willing to swap IFComp (or other jam) testing.

Thanks to all who can help, in any way. My goal is to pick off the good-guess responses and nail down a few more bug fixes to make a very stable release 3 in a week or two. Though I’m okay with it colliding with/getting snowed under by the start of IFComp.


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