Please Help me get my exercise up and running

If “water” and “boiling water” are different possible liquids, then you don’t need a heat for the liquid at all. Just have the liquid be defined by the temperature of the pot:

To decide what liquid is the liquid of the teapot: if the heat of the teapot is boiling: decide on boiling water; decide on water.

But it might be simpler to just have one liquid (water) and reference the heat of the pot whenever heat is relevant.

I’m trying to find some documentation or help on how to give properties to properties but I’ve come up blank. Anyone know of some examples or coding tips on this?

I don’t know much about chado, but I do enjoy drinking tea. Isn’t green tea traditionally brewed with water which is just below the boil?

Robert Rothman

A good example can be found in “4.9. Using new kinds of value in properties” in the inform documentation where it mentions the temperature of the brightness of the lantern. In essence, the brightness is a property of the lantern, the temperature is a property of the brightness therefore the temperature is a property of the property of the lantern.

Also, “Example 49 - The Undertomb 2” gives an implementation of it in action.

Hope this helps.

Probably… I’ve only attended the one. Most teas are best made with water just before boiling. I guess I could get the steam to start whisping at ‘hot’ and hint it. I need to do a fair bit of work on my temperature stuff (bring it back down as well… :frowning: - especially if I’m going to have ‘just under boiling’ as my temperature. le sigh

Win! Thanks, I’m starting to get how I need to use it (my previous attempts failed - lots). Thanks for all your help :slight_smile:.

Hi guys,

So I’ve finally got (nearly) everything working the way I want it to run. Only problem, now that I’m using the heat of the liquid of the noun I can measure and use the temperature of my liquid (win!). Which means my game works the way I want. Only problem now is I can’t set the temperature of containers. I have reversed the code you told me before:

To decide what heat is the heat of (C - a container): decide on the heat of the liquid of C.

Why? cries

Here is my full heat code:

[code]Part 2 - Heat

Heat is a kind of value. The heats are cold, cool, warm, hot, and boiling. Everything has a heat. The heat of a thing is usually cool. The heat of the brazier is hot.

A liquid has a heat.

Every turn when the turn count is odd:
if the teapot is on the brazier:
now the heat of the liquid of the teapot is the heat after the heat of the liquid of the teapot.

To decide what heat is the heat of (C - a container):
decide on the heat of the liquid of C.

[Rule for printing the name of the water:
say “some [the heat of the noun] water”.]

Every turn:
if the heat of the liquid of the teapot is boiling:
say “Steam rises from the teapot and the water bubbles.”;

Instead of touching something when the heat of the noun is boiling:
say “You would burn yourself.”

Instead of touching something when the heat of the noun is hot:
say “You would burn yourself.”

Instead of touching the teapot, say “It feels rough and [the heat of the noun] under your fingers.”

Instead of inserting something into the cup:
if the noun is not the green powder, say “The cup is for making tea.”

Instead of pouring something into the cup:
if the heat of the liquid of the noun is not boiling:
say “The water needs to be much hotter to make tea.”;
continue the action.

Instead of touching the cup:
if the noun is empty:
say “You run your fingers over the surface, feeling each crack.”;
say “warm beneath your fingers.”.[/code]

You’ve created two definitions of “heat of container”; one of which is a property (a variable which must be set manually) and the other a calculated value. Even though the compiler allows it, you shouldn’t do this; it won’t work as expected because of what is essentially a namespace clash.

Since it looks like you want heat to be radiated from some things to others on a timed basis, just keep going with every turn rules to update the individual heat properties (including containers) and get rid of the “to decide” phrase for heats of containers.