Playing IF on mobile phones?

Heh, I just tried it out in ZaxMidlet and also get the punctuation issue. Thanks for that, I’ll e-mail the maintainer right away.

Android doesn’t support J2ME apps out of the box. There’s an app that’s supposed to package J2ME apps so they can run on Android, but I haven’t had any luck packaging ZaxMidlet with it. (Also it looks cheap and a bit dodgy and I’m nervous about using it.)

Hm, interesting. Twisty 2.0 doesn’t have that problem, anyway (it’s more or less a completely new codebase, as I understand it). Hopefully it won’t be too long before Twisty 2.0 is stable enough to use instead of 0.8, and then I can play Savoir Faire to my heart’s content!

Yeah, I can confirm the Hunky scrolling problem as well, on Nook Color with the N2A CM7 card, booted to CM7. Additionally, where Twisty (and all PC frotzim that I’ve tried) accept space or any key when the game says ‘press space to continue’ or ‘press any key to continue’, Hunky Punk seems only to accept ENTER. This cause a minor hassle when I got stuck trying to quit from AMFV; on a frotz, if you fatfinger the keyboard and cause it to prompt “Type Y or N”, it’ll take a Y or an N; on Hunky, you need Y , and it doesn’t like that as input, and repeats the question.

Recently tried Hunky again… Not sure what changed. I don’t know if it’s a new version, since I haven’t been keeping up with it. I’m not getting the repeating characters issue anymore. There’s still no scroll. But it doesn’t accept any input. Doesn’t matter what I try to do, it just tells me that it’s not a verb that it recognizes.

I had the same problems with Hunky Punk on my Pantech phone running Android 2.3.3 – plus the app crashes if you try to open menus, which is very frustrating if you want to make use of built-in hint systems or what have you. I gave up and started using Twisty instead, and that’s worked well so far.

I’ve begun working on a mod of Hunky Punk (the Android app by Rafał Rzepecki) to play Tads games along with a few other enhancements. There’s still lots of work to do, but it would be great to have some willing testers to submit issues and other feedback. I haven’t yet fixed the soft keyboard input problem where the game is wanting a single character like Y or N. Hopefully next version :wink:.

Current Improvements include:

[]Tads support (Tads 2.5.14, 3.0.18)
]improved Z-code support (Frotz 2.50)
[]blorb support
]tap to scroll
[]font preference
]improved stability

This first alpha release is called “HunkyMod 0.1 alpha” and can be downloaded here:

Please submit issues and feature requests here:

Holy cannoli! :smiley:

You might want to grab the latest TADS 2 / TADS 3 / OS ANSI sources from garglk trunk. That will get you up to 2.5.15 / 3.1.0.

I’m a little unclear on the intersection between andglk and garglk. It seems like you’re intermingling some of the files and I would not have expected that to work.

Don’t get me wrong - it’s great if it does. I know nothing about JNI or Android development, but if you think it would be possible to get the platform specific bits into a sysand.c file (for events and native windows) and some #ifdefs in the common code, I would be delighted to incorporate those patches into Gargoyle.

Hi Ben, I’m really glad you suggested this. I’ve been meaning to write you for a while now. I am taking a bit of a different direction with the code than the previous author. I’d really like to share as much glk C code as possible between Hunky Punk and Gargoyle. I’ve already stolen most of your File/FileRef/Stream code and integrated it into andglk (also the dispatch stuff). The Window & Buffer objects are still java, but I’d like to eventually convert or front end them with your glk c-structures in order to share more code. Anyhow, you are correct that its a bit of a mixed mess now, but I wanted to release something that at least works and get more feedback. For the future, I’ll try to aim for your idea of a sysand.c in the common code and removing andglk entirely. I’ll drop you an email once I make more progress.

I tried to install frotz for Palm OS3, and links are outdated. Any updates?

The actual reason is I like Palm OS productivity system, and archive just uploaded a whole bunch of apps. And I’m running the emulator on cloud, turned into web app on my phone.

Still no idea how to hotsync, btw, but hopefully I won’t need that. I did successfully installed pocket chess.