Just a reminder that ParserComp 2022 is on the horizon.
You can join the jam right now, Submission open on 1 May 2022 and the deadline for entries is: 30 June 2022.
Any and all parser games are welcome, of any length and any genre. First time authors and more experience game makers are equally welcome. Check out last year’s entries for inspiration.
Up for grabs are two fabulous prizes:
1. This magnificent, [possibly] solid gold*, engraved lamp trophy - perfect for lighting your way through twisty little passages:
*actual Au content may vary from that advertised
2. The everlasting respect and admiration of your peers (priceless - we’ll make sure everyone gets a share of it).
We’re approaching 50 registrations now, so this year’s competition promises to be even better than the last!
Best wishes from all at ParserComp HQ