Old forum links that seem wrong

Investigating the links in the first post:

Wade's accessibility posts start [url=http://importantastrolab.blogspot.com/2015/04/accessibility-observations-part-1.html]here[/url].

And there are some more useful observations in [url=https://intfiction.org/t/inform-the-reliques-of-tolti-aph/67/1]this thread[/url].

Those are the links as written - the top one says “here are posts” but links to Wade’s blog…and that is the link requested by the post you replied to…

So it’s very likely you were also pasting that and got the copy/paste mixed up. The post doesn’t show it was edited…although this is back from 2015 before the Discourse transition so they’re not redirecting incorrectly. The posts were imported from phpBB intact. I’m not accusing you of doing it wrong as I’ve totally pasted the wrong URL over an intended link when doing several of them - often I thought I copied but did not so it pastes the previous thing unintentionally.

Yeah, that second one just seems to provide a non-sequitur forum link, but the edit shows that is the link.


Now that link is in Discourse format including the readable name of the thread title. I suppose in the archive/import/transition it’s possible that the original phpBB link was wrong or somehow got goofed up way back then and it imported dutifully.

Honestly I’m not sure if it’s some kind of a glitch or anything that would even be automatically fixable without reviewing every…single…message…with links. It might be a bit wild and wooly when you go a decade back to the historical content. Luckily you should still be able to edit the message if you want to correct the links or make a note that they aren’t as intended.