Nominations Closed! Ribbon announcements coming soon [General "Spring Thing 2023 Discussion Thread" Thread]

My computer isn’t free right now to fix this, but what’s happening is that there are about 5-7 files in the folder the game resides in. Every time an author sends new files in, all the files have to be replaced and (because borogove gives different links every time it’s updated) three links have to be updated. This leaves a lot of room for organizer error.

This game has been updated several times, and my guess is that the names of the maps in the current iteration uploaded today don’t match the file names I had used earlier (I had renamed them for convenience). Should be fixed in about half an hour.


Oh, it was actually a brand new error!

I’d never seen a 403 error before, but apparently it has to do with file permissions. I looked and saw that those two files had 0600 file permissions instead of 0644. I looked it up, and apparently 0600 is private while 0644 is read-only, so I changed it.

I have never touched these, even once. Completely flabbergasted here! Should be fine now.


The stress of finishing Marie Waits with only 8 minutes to spare :sweat_smile:

A few small notes, @dee_cooke: I had to look at the walkthrough to figure out that I needed to type “jump into water” in order to do that action, after trying “jump in water”, “jump to water”, “jump down eastern side”, etc. with no luck. I also accidentally found the door in the hut by typing “x door”, and proceeded to successfully unlock and open it but then was unable to go through until I backtracked and did “x walls”, after which I was able to walk south. And finally, I took the note from the dead woman’s hand, then looked behind the body and found the sack, after which the description of the body still mentioned the note being in her hand.

A fun game, and I’m intrigued by the story and look forward to “Marie”!


The Familiar is very cute, and I love the art! The worldbuilding was well done too–I had more emotions playing this game than I expected, and the secret ending was heartwarming. Also, despite all my rage, I’m still just a crow in a cage :laughing:

Small bug/typo report

At the cafe, the description of the man doesn’t mention the coin–I got it by dropping the heartnut on his head on a whim, only discovering the coin’s presence after he left. But after obtaining the coin, when I return to this location the line “You see a coin under his boot” appears in the description (despite the man himself being absent now).

And then three little typos!
-At one point, Hedgehog Amanita was spelled “Amantia”
-When Valmai drinks the potion, “excitedly” is “excitdely”
-Secret ending: two periods after “good-hearted people”



Thanks for playing and for the bug reports!


Aw thanks! So glad you got a kick out of the game, and that it resonated with you. I was so worried it wouldn’t hit the emotional beats I wanted. I’ve noted down your typo catches and will update them post-ST.


If you have played Repeat the Ending, but do not plan to write a review:

  1. Thank you for playing Repeat the Ending, a newly revised critical edition of that forgotten 1996 game, Repeat the Ending!
  2. I am making a post-festival release, so I would love to receive your bug reports.
  3. Feel free to post them here or in PM. If your report is extensive, PM will probably be better to avoid distracting from the thread.
  4. If you send a transcript, note that asterisk characters are heavily used in-game, so please precede your comment with a different character (“#” or “&” for instance).

I appreciate any and all assistance with bug-hunting.

At this time, I have only fixed two problems:

  • Formatting: In “A Note to New Players,” a line break was missing between line items #3 and #4
  • Bug: In the final region (hospital parking lot) the DIAGNOSE ME command did not name a source of magic absorbed by the PC.

Repeat the Ending is amazing. I’m getting hit with emotions as I read the hints post-game! It’s a deeply compassionate work and I’m very glad to have played it.

My score: 25


Thank you for playing it! And for reading the hints as well :blue_heart:


It’s so quiet I almost feel that I should tiptoe in…

Almost! Do any authors plan to share source code, post-festival? I’ve decided to go for it, rather than wait for next year’s amnesty day. I mean, I don’t think my code will get more clean or efficient between now and then.


I wrote a new js engine for Black Walrus, and in retrospect, I’m not happy with it.

For my next next game (besides my parsercomp entry) I’ve got a new engine that creates choice/parser hybrid games from a markup script somewhat influenced by markdown and next js. I’m torn on whether to release the source for this game or to wait for the next.


I have my repository hidden, waiting for the end of the festival to be made public, on my github :stuck_out_tongue:
I’ve been using it as an extra backup for my code files (in cave I made a mistake overriding while saving), but I’d love to show what’s under the hood of my little Twine experiment (there’s like 600 lines of code just to make the commands work…).


I was going to wait until next year, but I think it would be nice to set everything free at once (post mortem, source, release 2, some other things), then move on to the next project. I don’t plan to fix anything other than bugs at this point, and thankfully there hasn’t been a lot of feedback on that front


My source code would have been public since I started development, but that would have disqualified me.

I am chomping at the bit for the opportunity to finally release the source code. It feels weird to keep it hidden.


I’m eager to see your TaDS code!


Where does the time go?


Today is the last day to nominate ribbons!


I’m really looking forward to see who got which ribbons!!

Would it be against the rule to speculate who will receive Best in Show ?


I don’t know. I think @mathbrush might be back from his trip. I’ll tag him.

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I am back!

This is the main rule in question:

  • As an author, be respectful of your peers. We can’t control what you say, but it’s not classy to trash-talk other authors during the festival, or encourage people to skip the rest of the games and just play your own. We hope you’ll think of this as a chance to build bridges and make friends in a diverse and extensive community, not just cheerlead for your own corner of the map.

So being respectful is all that really matters. I know there are some people that hate such speculation in the middle of the competition, but it is almost over now, so it should be fine.

On a related note, since a few authors are following this thread, it is unclear from Aaron’s notes on how the timing of the announcements should work. Once nominations close, authors need a day or two to select which ribbons they want displayed. Would you prefer:
-Announcing the Best in Show first thing tomorrow morning, and just posting the author-selected ribbons as they come in, or
-Waiting to announce best in show until most authors have replied to the ribbon selection email.

Voting closes at my 2 am, so I won’t even be awake to close the form, but any votes cast after 11:59 pacific time tonight will not be counted.