New Interactive Fiction web player

I tried to download and run the storyfile from this IFDB page:

All works fine on my android phone, you can check the screenshot oO

Please tell me on which device you encountered difficulties. Also, can you check the direct link?

Your link works fine on my iPhone.

The link I get after uploading looks like this:

Your link looks fine: it’s contains some one-time special objectUrl created from your local file.

Unfortunately, Safari have some problems with this special URLs. I’ll try to build some workaround =)

I don’t have any apple device so i’m unable to provide quick fix right now :c

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So yes, looks like you can’t play local storyfiles on iOS right now :c
But you can use direct links to storyfiles to play!

Thank you for bugreport!

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I fixed uploading local storyfiles in desktop Safari.
Can you check if this works on the iPhone?

It works well!

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The name change (love it :grinning:) needs to be reflected in the links within the OP some of which are currently broken.

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Thanks! I’ve edit the OP, so links should be OK now =)