Neo Tiny-Sized Reviews - Complete!

Before Sunrise by spudsie

Entry - IFDB

An Inescapable Death…
Trapped outside, a vampire is unable to find shelter moments before the sunrise. At the brink of perishing, they reminisce on their past, envy the birds able to fly away from this situation, and ultimately choose to resign themselves (or not) to their death. The writing paints a colourful tableau between the pain of the injured character unable to save themselves, and the beauty of a simple sunrise, welcomed by the songs of birds. The writing was also quite dynamic and fun, considering the situation.


SOL by nyehilism

Entry - More by nyehilism - IFDB

To all the things unsaid…
On the surface, SOL is a prose poem of a benign conversation between friends about the sun, as they partake in sharing a joint on a summer evening, with the writing moving from concrete description to what could be interpreted as hallucinations. But, below, hiding under a mouseover macro, is hidden a secret message, unsaid words, repressed feelings. The descriptions of movements and bodies balance between a loving gaze to an almost obsessive and carnal survey through the narrator’s eyes. The writing is intoxicating…


the ride home by cassian

Entry - More by cassian - IFDB

Killer machine in anxious hands
the ride home does a great job at encapsulating the anxiety of a first time driver, realising how cars are essentially killing machines and bodies are just squishy flesh. This is enhanced by the author’s use of animated and timed text and through the formatting (moving from white to red was a good choice).


the boy who died, alive by vvvild

Entry - IFDB

Seeing what is not there
This piece has an intriguing premise, wherein a child sees (hallucinate?) their (dead? never existed?) brother when the latter cannot be perceived by anyone else. Feelings, sounds, and touches are only experienced by this child, creating an eerie dissonance that sends chills up a spine. The more I read this the less I was sure whether it was about grief or a hallucination through a horror lens… Either way, it works!


Ebb & Flow by :heart: Arezou :heart:

Entry - More by Arezou - IFDB

Hard choices and heartbreaks
Moving on is hard, and harder still when you cannot forget their touch, when you keep remembering their voice, when you keep dreaming about being with them, when they keep coming back to your door… This piece portrays the ache the heart feels about break ups, the guilt of letting yourself down when you succumb to your desires, or the agony when you try doing the right thing, pretty well.
I liked the formatting of the text, with the fading-in giving some dream-like experience or the shaking of the word when your hands tremble. The choice to colour the words spoken was also a nice touch. Having to click after almost ever sentence to reveal another added to the excruciating experience shown in the words.

*this may have been a bit too overused. Some passages could have benefitted from a starker appearance of the text to show the harshness of the situation/feelings.


Palazzo Heist by Ju / smwhr

Entry - More by Ju / smwhr - IFDB

An introduction to breaking and entering
Trying to enter a palazzo at the dead of night is not an easy feat. Less so when you start from a gondola and there are no clear way to break in. Maybe that door or the window would do? I really liked the interactivity of the game, and how the puzzle is quite simple… if you examine your environment properly. I would play a longer version of this game in a heartbeat!


(12:35) by I’m L

Entry - More by L - IFDB

Hell is a group chat
This piece engage with conflicts in a group chat in a very humorous manner. Through the limited word count, we get to learn bits of the characters and their relationship between one another. I laughed a lot while playing through it.


Marla by mina

Entry - IFDB

Yearning for a lover than never arrives
Being in love with someone can be so wonderful and so fulfilling, but it can also be draining, to the point of losing oneself. Waiting for your lover, or a word from them, you read almost macabre description of your environment, mirroring the anxiousness you are feeling. It raises the question: do you stay and wait, potentially destroying your wellbeing in the process, or move on from the person who does not respect your time, but go through this heartbreak.


Lockdown by gamerpotato

Entry - More by gamerpotato - IFDB

Groundhog Day, but make it lockdown
2020 was a weird time. Stuck at home, with only a routine to keep us sane (did it tho?), many of us essentially went through a Groundhog Day period. Feeling like we were stuck in an endless loop, unable to break out (especially, since we couldn’t go out). This entry does a really good job at harnessing that weird time.


Distance & Mirage by HeartForge

Entry - More by HeartForge - IFDB

On your way to find some answers…
A childhood friend disappeared, but you will never stop trying to find some answers. A meeting has been set between you and a thing, which may have some answers. But you are not there yet… The descriptions in this entry are very vivid and coarse, very much like the setting of the story. I also liked the use of the mouseover to change some aspects of the story.


If I Die, Consume Me by Fiddles IFs

Entry - More by Fiddles IFs - IFDB

To eat or (not) to eat, that is the question…
Live or die. This is not a choice you are facing every day, but it might if you are station in an extreme environment. Live or die. There are morals that bind us together, but do they matter when one’s survival is at stake? Live or die… But you will always remember…

(that choice… DAMN)


The Meaning Extractor by cpollett

Entry - More by cpollett - IFDB

Feed your brain to feed the universe.
Allocate your brain space to some themes, so the universe can hear a poem. Rinse and repeat to find all possible poem combination (and get the highest score? - I got 23…)
I didn’t really vibe with it personally.


serious, dude? by prince of the clouds

Entry - More by prince of the clouds - IFDB

A trip down memory lane…
Seated inside a train (going nowhere?), you reminisce about your childhood and how you realised who you were. Through a smart change of background, or the animation of the text, this piece takes a humourous and maybe a bit self-deprecating approach to dealing with uncomfortable memories…


choke heart by Cressida St. Claire

Entry - More by Cressida St. Claire - IFDB

Choke Fever.
In a vibrant green, this small piece about love, care, and artichoke is light and adorable. I especially liked the writing depicting a very strange but comforting fever dream. It was very cute!



Entry - More by mogar - IFDB

It’s hard to kill the monster under your beds…
A tragic (and well executed) allegory for substance abuse, and incidentally generational trauma, depict dark and visceral thoughts of someone trying to fight their personal monster. But those monsters rarely die…
(the use of shaky text and change of background were a nice touch!)


forever, an echo by wilderlingdev

Entry - More by wilderlingdev - IFDB

Unending cycles, doomed to repeat it.
Creation and destruction. Opposite forces fighting to prove the other wrong. Creating civilisations in hopes that one sticks around, but doomed are they all, never surviving under your hand. Yet the other continues this Sisyphean tasks, unbothered, uncaring. A civilisation will be born anew, and so will continue the cycle. Unchanged…

According to the author, this was based on Destiny 2, which I am completely unfamiliar with. It’s likely I’ve missed the point of it xD


Collision by manonamora

Entry - More by me :stuck_out_tongue:

*A tra— *
Nah, just messing around. :stuck_out_tongue:


(almost eleven) by spacedfoxes

Entry - More by spacedfoxes - IFDB

Breaking up with a friend brings the worst of ache
As people change, so do relationships. While you might get closer with old friends, you might also drift away. Sometimes, a friendship is like a revolving door, here when you need it and gone the next. Sometimes, it’s a reminder of who you (do not) want to be. Always, you hurt.

I really liked the formatting of the text, and how it appeared. I slightly with the dialog boxes would fit the formatting of the rest of the game, but that’s minor.



Entry - More by 30x30 - IFDB

Icarus, the myth, the man, the fall
“You will fail.” “Inevitable.” The game tells you from the start. No matter your questions, no matter you determination, no matter… You will fail. It is inevitable. This retelling through a minimalist and almost sci-fi formatting adds onto the tragic myth of Icarus. Really well done.


Please Don’t Take This The Wrong Way by Crosshollow

Entry - More by Crosshollow - IFDB

The things we want to say to empty our hearts
A personal piece about wanting to talk about the past and trauma without judgement or pity. About feeling seen without making a bit deal out of things.