Need help modifying final question/end game question or message

Hi All! So you know how when the game ends it usually asks if you’d like to RESTART or QUIT or UNDO or RESTORE? (I’m sure I probobly messed up the order its actually in)

Well, I’m currently trying to take out the UNDO and RESTORE options. I’ve successfully eliminated UNDO but I can’t seem to figure out a way to get rid of RESTORE option.

If anybody could help me with these please that’d be much appreciated. Please note I am not getting rid of the RESTORE command, I am just wanting to get rid of the RESTORE option from the final question.

Going off of the example in the documentation 384: Finality, the code can be tweaked to include RESTORE as well:

When play begins:
    choose row with a final response rule of immediately restore saved game rule in the Table of Final Question Options; 
    blank out the final question wording entry;
    choose row with a final response rule of immediately undo rule in the Table of Final Question Options; 
    blank out the final question wording entry;

Hmm… did you test it and it works for you? I had thought of the same thing and tried and it and for some reason it wouldn’t work. I probobly didn’t format it right, perhaps. I don’t have much experiance with Inform, but am hoping to change that. I will definitely copy and try using your code. Thank you!

EDIT It worked great! Thank you so much for helping me out. I probobly messed up the formatting when I tried to figure it out on my own.

I imagine it probably was just a formatting error. For future reference, if you post your original code with your question, people can review your code and help you figure out where the error occurred. That way, you will know for sure what was causing the problem and learn something new from the experience.

Ok, thank you! I am (honestly this probobly is biting off more than I can chew) creating a fairly large game and this is just one of the many implentations I was struggling with. Thanks your great help! If you have any more suggestions (or questions about my project) please go ahead and let me know. I’m open to pretty much anything. :smile: