Mathbrush's 2024 IFComp Review Thread

198Brew by DWaM

This game might be described as “Weird Urban Fantasy”. After a brief prologue, it starts off with a classic ‘my apartment’ game that models different rooms of a fairly mundane apartment before digging into some of the strangeness.

Gameplay consists of crossing a map and discovering unusual individuals, each of which is far from baseline reality. Unlike much of fantasy and sci fi, most of the people are normal, physically, but inside is something different. There are of course some exceptional cases.

While there are many different threads running through the game, they feel like they all have thematic similarities. One constant refrain is fear of nothing happening, stuck in eternity balanced against the fear of something changing or finally happening after so long.

Implementation is iffy. One really tough issue is that pronouns aren’t set right for women so X HER doesn’t work, and for both men and women you can’t X MAN or X WOMAN, you have to instead type out the full name of the person you want to speak with. Many objects listed in the description can’t be interacted with in-game and many that you can’t interact with don’t give responses. TAKE SHOWER uses Inform’s default response of ‘That’s hardly portable’. So it could use some polishing up. I didn’t see typos or bugs, though.

I liked the game. It gives me the same kind of feel as Deadline Enchanter, one of my favorite games. I also have some major phobias associated to some of the things in this game, but the way it handled them made me feel less tense rather than more, which is nice.

The opening of the game made no sense to me, but after replaying it all clicked, so I recommend trying that afterwards.