Manon's Reviews Rewind: Ectocomp [31/Back!], Partim500 [DONE*],

Your Little Haunting, by Christina Nordlander

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La Petite Mort

Your Little Haunting is short horror parser, where you get to explore an abandoned house and interact with the limited elements within. In this dark night, your goal is to find a light source. Except it doesn’t go the way you hope it will.

Though under-implemented (the bedroom is essentially empty, some elements not interactible/reachable like the lamp you see through the window), which is understandable considering the Speed-IF time limit, it’s pretty chilling: the empty neglected house come to (un-)life as you interact in specific way, a sort of ghostly mirror to what you did.
But even as ghosts might appear, your presence in this house feels ghostly too. You haunt these halls, turning on/off appliances, moving objects just because. The ghosts themselves don’t seem to care about or acknowledge you… until the very end, when the veil is removed from your eyes.

I would have loved being able to explore/interact more with this dreamy, liminal space, but my stay in this abandoned house was just right.

Your Little Haunting.txt (10.7 KB)