Manon's Reviews Rewind: Ectocomp [31/Back!], Partim500 [DONE*],

A Puzzled Soul, by Sophos Ioun and RebelNightmare

Play the game - Inform 7
Le Grand Guignol

A Puzzled Soul is a short timed parser made in Inform, in which you are trying to escape a creature hunting you, by solving some questionable puzzles to get to the next section. If you take too long solving them, you’re sent back to the start to try again. There are two endings, dependent on your choice at the very end of the game.

Each section has multiple puzzles you can solve (though only one is necessary to get to the next section, and you won’t have time to do them all in one playthrough anyway), with seemingly different difficulty (really puzzled to how to solve some of them, I gave up pretty quickly). It was interesting to get branching in a parser, and giving the player agency in how to get to the next section… which is ironic because you are essentially forced to do awful things to progress and escape the creature (like stealing from a confession box, poisoning a well, or desecrating a grave). Coupled with the sense urgency from the timer, it creates a pretty fun environment.

On the other side, I did struggle quite a bit with the implementation of the puzzles with regards to the timer. Because we have a limited amount of commands before the creature catches you, there’s only so much you can do/test before you’re sent to the start. And when it’s not always clear what you need to do to solve a puzzle (or what command to use to do something, because some are custom, like crossing wall instead of going west, where we’re told we can go). It became pretty frustrating at times, but with a bit of persistence (and Saving at every new room), it is possible to get to the end.

No transcript again, because I forgot to turn it on at the start :sob: