Manon's Reviews Rewind: Ectocomp [31/Back!], Partim500 [DONE*],

Die Another Day, by Emery Joyce

Play the game - Twine (SugarCube)
La Petite Mort

Die Another Day is a short resource management game made in Twine, where you play as a person who gruesomely dies at the end of every day, only to wake up the morning after as if (almost) nothing happened. And you can’t stop this groundhog-like cycle either - you will die no matter what - only exacerbate it. There are 3 endings, with different outlook on your future, dependent on your choices.

Aside from the obvious but effective metaphor for living with disability/illnesses, it makes an interesting point on the triviality of death. Forced to die again and again, each day, death just becomes an inconvenience: you don’t know when your body will stop working. What if you pass out in the middle of the street or in front of friends? What about the mess you need to clean the day after (bodily fluids/broken belongings)? What if you hurt yourself even more?

And so you must work around it - do you prioritise potential discomfort for an easier tomorrow? or convenience for (financial/social) struggles down the line? While you can prep some stuff, it’s not like you can really plan your day/life when you don’t know your state days/hours ahead - compromises can only take you so far. Your body essentially forces isolation from the world (how can you go out when your body might give out?) and yourself (can you spare the energy to do something for yourself?).

And so you die, every day.

The whole chronic illness metaphor + choices to spend energy/health/money on action reminded me a bit of The Archivist and the Revolution (when you decide what to do with your day/money).