Manon's Reviews Rewind: Ectocomp [31/Back!], Partim500 [DONE*],

Some final notes:
Anti-Productivity was pretty successful mini-jam, with 15 entries finding new ways to turn non-IF-medium into interactive games. While office programs were the most used (Sheets/Excel, Slides/PPT, Word/Notepad, Mail, Miro), there were also some out of the box medium (GoogleMaps, Forum) as well as intriguing software/format (domino2, Emoticon).
It was cool to see all the different ways authors bent those medium to their will - some being incredibly successful imo.

While the jam was themed around Anti-Productivity, there were multiple entries focusing on productivity/management/group projects, which was pretty funny. Another shared gameplay/theme was investigating an disappearance, as well as getting deep into feelings.