Making a game in Java

A few people per year try their hand at making brand new parser development system from scratch and often end up deciding not to re-invent the wheel. Just be aware:

  • It can be really difficult
  • It can take a lot of time
  • It can take a lot of work
  • If it doesn’t have a “gimmick” or make things easier somehow, it’s likely you won’t get a lot of people to adopt your system.
  • Parser games tend to mostly look and operate similarly no matter what they’re written in. You can create nearly identical games using TADS or Inform 7 to the point that very few casual players will even notice they’re not the same engine. Many homebrew parsers have little chance of living up to that.

That said, so long as you’re doing it for yourself or for your own education or to achieve a specific and unique type of game you can’t make with existing tech, more power to you!

The most successful new-parser development thing I’m aware of is Dialog.

Choice engines might be a tad easier - there are many more uniquely flavored ones, but sadly some of the coolest are now defunct: Varytale, Storynexus, (Is anyone using Undum or its flavors still?) and there are a ton of webkit-ish “make your own story!!!111” websites that some people really like.

Twine and Ink are pretty successful, Texture is really cool, and I thought a newer one called Inquisitor looked quite interesting. Robin Johnson made his own proprietary system for Detectiveland (among others) that is a parser-like choice hybrid.