Lucian's IFComp 2023 Reviews (latest: Tricks of Light in the Forest)

LUNIUM (Ben Jackson)

This was a very solid game! It’s a tightly-designed escape room with an attached Victorian story with a satisfying conclusion. In a particularly interesting twist on the genre, there was even a reasonable explanation for the existence of the escape room in the first place! I only used the hint system once, which turned out to hinge on a UK-ism I had forgotten about.

There are two goals of the game: discover how to escape the room, and discover the identity of a murderer (the details of the case form the substance of the clues you have to peruse to escape). Discovering how to escape the room was methodical and satisfying for me. Discovering the identity of the murderer came in a flash on insight, and as far as recommending the game to others, I’m at a bit of a loss, because I can easily see people not figuring that bit out. But for judging the game, I can only report my own experience, and solving a puzzle in a flash of insight is always delightful.

Also, the game is visually gorgeous, and this from a person who usually doesn’t notice visual anythings.

Did the author have something to say? They had an interesting scenario to deploy, with some nice world-building.

Did I have something to do? Solve Puzzles and Have Insights.