Lost Infocom game found (sorta)

Triad made a release of the game a few weeks ago, for the Commodore 64.





I’m glad this worked out positively.

The (almost unique) situation with The Infocom Drive is that it contains both development (code, design docs, newsletter templates, etc.) and user (e-mail, private notes, experiments, programs) in the same directory structure. While the development directory was very clear to go through, and reflected source code and versions as the company was doing its best to maintain before the era of source control as we know it, the user directory was a mish-mash of private, very private, and extremely private materials. It is historically interesting but not the best thing to expose while all participants are alive.

I’m glad Adam took the extra steps after release to ensure that Mr. Bok wasn’t blindsided by his experiments of decades ago.