LIVE IF/Text Adventure stream - audience interaction

I hope this is ok, and the correct category - I have started live streaming playing text adventures with the main idea for audience interaction. I am currently working through an 8 bit-esque adventure called TWO, a puzzle intensive adventure. The next segment is UK time, early evening, Sunday 19.20.

The link is - and you can also see the first and second segments here with the playlist.

I hope you will be able to make it, join in, and at least subscribe so you can see the next ones we’ll do. You can even ask for yours to be played!
Thanks for listening, Richard - The Retro Engine


Looking forward to catching up with these this week now that the Adventuron jam is over!


Hey Dee that’s cool thanks very much. Just went into the Adventuron Jam page and saw you’d done a game, so having a go on it now.

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Hope you enjoy! The jam was a lot of fun.

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Dee has now published four Adventuron games (that I know of). She’s a very talented author.

Thanks Garry! (I think I’ve released five full games now? Starting to lose count :smiley:)