letters from lorthayn blog

In that argument, you’re taking the actual act of a crime and equalize it with the act of talking about the crime, with no actual intent or performing it. You just can’t be serious here. And why did you use genocide to begin with? Rape has also been “popular” throughout history. I guess you didn’t because then the basic flaw of your argument would have shown immediately.

Same here. Why do you assume that I’m different? Why do you assume that I don’t care about rape victims just because the word “rape” in a joke doesn’t offend me?

I can empathize for everyone. However, being actually offended on behalf of complete strangers, that is not one of my skills. But empathy, yes. That pretty much works with everyone.

You’re not in any position to make such guarantees.

“This stuff” meaning what? Why a few people want to spoil the fun of others because they lack a sense of humor or because they project their personal experiences to the world and assume everyone else must be thinking the same was as they do?

Or do you mean rape? In that case, have you ever heard the phrase “dude, it was just a joke.”

A strawman. As should be perfectly obvious from the context, I’m not equating dialogue to action; I’m talking about the act itself being presented as inherently funny.

Because you seem to find rape an amusing notion, thus necessitating an analogy to other topics you might find equally funny.

That’s right. Where do they come off not serving as fodder for your amusement? I mean, you’re obviously the real victim here.

I’m sorry, were you under the impression that you repeating the most common defense of bigots everywhere would make it original?

Which is not the case. Rape was not presented as being inherently funny (because obviously, it’s not funny.) Just like dying is not inherently funny. But there are jokes about dying. And, guess what, many of them are funny. Just the same, even though rape is not inherently funny, a talking male moose suggesting to rape a male human is humorous.

Just like I sometimes say to my friends “I just got raped” after being fragged 5 times in a row in a game of Counter-Strike, or “it’s rape time” when aiming that AWP at someone’s virtual head.

This whole thing makes me think that you seem disconnected from the way people talk, behave and joke in various situations.

No. I definitely don’t think rape is amusing. There was no indication anywhere that I would find rape amusing. Where’d you get that from?

Your argument assumes that the joke is making fun of rape victims. Again, where’d you get that from?

Were you under the impression that lacking a certain type of sense of humor would somehow enable you to better grasp the meaning of jokes and make suggestions about what should be acceptable and what not? I certainly don’t think so.

You’re really getting raped in this argument. :laughing:

Wrong. The comic that sparked it had rape as a punchline. In other words, there was no real joke other than the shock value of saying “rape rape rape.

I love the utter certainty you convey here. It’s as if, having just measured the objective constant of Teh Funneh, you’re now gearing up to take on all those detractors who never believed in your genius. Science cannot be denied!

Indeed. It’s funny because… you’re using the word “rape”, and nothing more. Just like I said.

If by “people” you actually mean “assholes,” then yes, I suppose there is a disconnect. Such people generally assume they define the world. You’re not exactly helping your case by presenting your particular social circle as the One True Model of Human Interaction, you know.

Your posts, in which you petulantly defend your right to joke about rape without censure, comment or complaint.

My argument requires only that it makes fun of the act of rape, which is the case. Like it or not, rape victims are linked to the act of rape. It’s pretty much unavoidable.

A simple “yes” would have sufficed.

Oh, adorable.

That is not how I perceived the joke. It was funny to me because a moose was saying it. Trying to imagine a moose attempting to rape a human was funny. If someone gets offended because of a joke about a moose raping a human, then I can only laugh about how anyone could take that so seriously as to end up being offended by it.

You ran out of ideas and resorted to this?

What’s there more to say? Rape is rape. It only has one literal meaning. Just like losing or winning points in a game does not constitute real rape, so does a moose threatening to rape a human not mean rape. Because a moose is obviously not able to do that. And that’s the source of “Teh Funneh” to me.

Perhaps our interpretation of that comic is vastly different.

The discussion ends here then. I won’t resort to calling you an “asshole” or any other name, like you just did, directly calling me and my friends “assholes” because we don’t happen to agree with your fake, pretentious morality.

If you’re thinking of yourself as some kind of moral authority, get off your high horse.

The observation that you consider yourself self-evidently the norm? It seemed apropos.

What more is there to say? Well, nothing that hasn’t already been said in this thread and in links that you didn’t read.

It’s possible.

I think this is the part where I get to tell you to “lighten up” and quit “spoil[ing] the fun of others because [you] lack a sense of humor or because [you] project [your] personal experiences to the world and assume everyone else must be thinking the same was(sic!) as [you] do”. Anything else would just be pretentious.