Joey's IFComp 2024 Reviews

Like the game itself, this review may include some mildly crude language.


Coming hot on the heels of last year’s seminal masterpiece, DICK MCBUTTS GETS KICKED IN THE NUTS, ROD MCSCHLONG GETS PUNCHED IN THE DONG has some big pants to fill. Can it stand up to the task?

Like the original, this is a package containing two items. This time around, Hugh Janus made the bold choice that, rather than having the “good” version of the story unlocked by random chance at the start (as was the case in the original entry in the franchise), it is instead unlocked through a certain choice after having played through almost all of the “bad” version of the story. This has mixed effects. In the one hand, it’s rewarding to feel that you have built up to that satisfying conclusion. On the other hand, because it warns you shortly before it comes, the element of surprise is mostly lost—to the detriment of the piece, I feel.

My overall sentiment about the writing (in both versions) is that it’s witty and charming, but not quite as ballsy as the original. ROD MCSCHLONG delivers plenty of gags, but its brand of humor doesn’t penetrate quite as deeply. The outrageousness isn’t as outrageous. I was hoping for something more uncut.

Still, it was a fun ride. I hope Mr. Janus hasn’t written himself into a corner with the ending of this one, because I would love to see a MUFF MCBOOBS GETS KNEED IN THE PUBES or a NAD MCDEEZ GETS ZAPPED IN THE OVARIES next year.