Is Abandon Them Mac only?

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work, at least on my machine. When I start the exe, there is a console window and a dialog box, both saying:

Error: Could not load game data at path ‘.’. Is the .pck file missing?

Fortunately, I think that can be fixed, as the error message says, by distributing the AbandomThem.pck file along with the AbandomThem.exe file (put them both in the same directory and zip that up for downloading from the IF comp site).
I got it running by doing this:

  1. Get the Mac-compatible .dmg file (which I had already downloaded in the big all-games download).
  2. Unpack it with 7-zip (as @patrick_mooney mentioned above).
  3. From the unpacked directory Abandon\Contents\Resources, copy the file Abandon Them.pck to the directory where the Windows executable AbandomThem.exe is.
  4. Rename Abandon Them.pck to AbandomThem.pck, so that the filename matches that of the .exe file (except for the extension, of course).
  5. Run the executable.

Also, there’s another problem: on the comp site, the download now points to the .exe file, meaning that Mac users can’t run the game.
To ensure that most people can play the game, you could try to export it as HTML, if that’s possible without loss of features, or alternatively, there should be two download links on the IF Comp site (one for the Windows version, one for the Mac version).
If the comp site does not easily provide that possibility, then the easiest solution would be to bundle both versions together into a zip file for a single download.
(I should mention that it’s also possible that the IF comp site gave me the appropriate download link for Windows because it had detected on which operating system my browser is running, and that it would provide the Mac-compatible download link for MacOS visitors.)

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