Introducing Ourselves

Hey everyone, I just wanted to express my excitement about joining here. Pretty new but I’m so loving this community already.

(I keep running out of likes, so I’m desperately logging on everyday trying to get Member!)

I’m Tracey.

FINALLY like-minded people! (There’s no hand-on-heart emoji so these will have to do: :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed::heart: :heart_hands: )

I love this too and will also take your word for it…


Just browsing this community, it’s like combining the best of game design and writing/storytelling, and I love it so much.

I have 7-8 hobbies that I like to switch my time between, with the first three being most frequent so far: computing, politics, writing, music, language learning (currently Russian), cooking, drawing, game design.

I’ve worked professionally as an iOS programmer and video content creator. I’ve written articles for and still do proofreading as a volunteer for a small dissident-revolutionary newspaper.

I briefly studied game design for 6 months or so but didn’t finish the course.


I’m going to make a new topic for this and then link it here, because it got rather long.