Inform7 code layout

Hi - I am trying to use an I7 extension called Conversation Framework for Sand-dancer by Aaron Reed, but it comes up with an error on the following section of code:

Carry out listing suggested topics:
consider the suggestion list construction rules;
let ask-suggs be the number of entries in sugg-list-ask;
let tell-suggs be the number of entries in sugg-list-tell;
let other-suggs be the number of entries in sugg-list-other;
if ask-suggs + tell-suggs + other-suggs is 0 begin;
say “[nothing specific]”;
rule succeeds;
end if;
let sugg-rep be an indexed text;
say "[if topic-request is implicit]([end if]You could ";
if other-suggs > 0 begin;
let sugg-rep be “[sugg-list-other]”;
replace the regular expression “\band\b” in sugg-rep with “or”;
say “[sugg-rep][if tell-suggs + ask-suggs > 0]; or [end if]”;
end if;
if ask-suggs > 0 begin;
let sugg-rep be “[sugg-list-ask with definite articles]”;
replace the regular expression “\band\b” in sugg-rep with “or”;
say “ask [it-them of the current interlocutor] about [sugg-rep][if tell-suggs > 0]; or [end if]”;
end if;
if tell-suggs > 0 begin;
let sugg-rep be “[sugg-list-tell with definite articles]”;
replace the regular expression “\band\b” in sugg-rep with “or”;
say “tell [it-them of the current interlocutor] about [sugg-rep]”;
end if;
say “[if topic-request is implicit].)[paragraph break][otherwise].[end if]”

The error message is:

In Volume - Conversation Suggestions version 3, Book 3 - Rules, Part 2 - The Listing Suggested Topics Action, Chapter 1b - Listing Suggested Topics (for use without Complex Listing by Emily Short) in the extension Conversation Framework for Sand-dancer by Aaron Reed:

Problem. You wrote ‘consider the suggestion list construction rules’ : but this is a phrase which I don’t recognise, possibly because it is one you meant to define but never got round to, or because the wording is wrong (see the Phrasebook section of the Index to check). Alternatively, it may be that the text immediately previous to this was a definition whose ending, normally a full stop, is missing?

I think the problem must be with the layout of this section - indents or colons or something similar. Can anyone help please? Thank you

As of 6L02, “consider” has been deprecated as a keyword, and should be changed to “follow.”

Hi Bjorn, thank you for your help. Changing just that one word has made the programme run just as it should. Who would have thought such a small change would make such a big difference? Thank you again. Mike

Happy to help. There’s an article on Emily Short’s blog that has everything you need for updating extensions.

Thank you Bjorn. On my way there now. Mike