Inform6unix version 6.36-r1 is ready

I have finalized the 6.36-r1 release of the Inform 6 for Unix package. This one includes updates to all major components: The compiler to 6.36, the Standard Library to 6.12.6, and the PunyInform library to 3.5. Minor components updated include and, which are taken from my Blorbtools package. These were originally by Graham Nelson, but I have since improved them.

This package is available now at along with a zip file containing just the Standard Library. These will appear at the IF Archive in a few days.


downloaded, uncompressed, readed the readmes & changelogs, compiled, installed and tested in 10’, without issues or snags.

Kudos for the excellent package !

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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