I hope this is the right place to ask this. Just installed the latest version of Inform 7 (10.1.2) and when I hit the go button, I get this error:
An internal error has occurred: no declension table terminated. The error was detected at line 133 of “services/inflections-module/Chapter 3/Declensions.w”. This should never happen, and I am now halting in abject failure.
Tried that with no improvement. Also, when I go to index tab, there is nothing there in any of the categories. It feels like a bad install, but I have no idea how to correct it.
Have you tried copying the entire code from an example (not just part of it)? Those are created to compile as-is. Otherwise, I’m deferring to @climbingstars as they likely have more experience than I do.
This might be worth a try. Go to the “Edit” tab, select “preferences”, then choose the “advanced tab”, then tick “Show debugging log and Inform 6 intermediate code”.
Run the code again, then see what the “debugging” tab (in between progress and reports) on the results “Results” tab says.
Bear in mind I’m using the linux IDE, so your mileage may vary on Windows, but it should be similar.
I figured it out. I had some parentheses in my byline which I guess isn’t allowed. Removed them and it works fine now. Thanks, everyone. I appreciate all the advice.