Inform 7 only ever displaying one image (once)

Putting ‘First’ at the beginning of the preamble of a rule ensures it is filed at the beginning of the rulebook - in this case the ‘Carry out Looking’ rulebook- and is therefore the first rule in the rulebook to be consulted, in this case before all the rules that print out the text of the description. The documentation chapter on Rules will give you more information on this, in particular 19.4 ‘Listing rules explicitly’.

You can see which rules govern each action by perusing the Actions tab of the Index.

So, e.g.

First carry out looking in the Airport Foyer: display the Figure of Airport Foyer.

and so on.

However, to make this easier you might consider attaching the figures to each room so that one rule will display them all, rather than writing out a separate rule for each room:

Every room has a figure name called picture.
First carry out looking when the picture of the location is not Figure of cover:
	display the picture of the location.
The picture of the Airport Foyer is Figure of Airport Foyer.

Figure of cover is the default figure name given to rooms where you don’t explicitly allocate one (see the Kinds tab in the Index)