Inform 7 is good, but...

It was the one about the Inform doing math wrong? I was doing units & measures, and it kept coming out wrong. I documented a whole bunch of it and come on here all full of beans as I’d found wrong math. There was a thread wherein I wanted to post a bug report – I think I actually did but anyway, it turns out that most of what I was talking was wrong; I had just misunderstood the principles behind the way Inform does that kind of math. I found it quite embarrassing, and I’m pretty sure I said that I didn’t really want to file anymore bug reports. I definitely felt that!

Possibly I am oversensitive.

Thanks for the reassurance on that. I could have used it last year! LOL

EDIT: Looks like I didn’t say anything about how embarrassed I felt at all. At least not in the thread about it. Also, it was more than two years ago now! Not one (man – time flies). Inform 7 does incorrect math on scaled units

I find that the most effective way to avoid feeling foolish is to play the role of the fool to the hilt. Then when I truly am being foolish (which is all too often!), nobody notices. :smiling_imp:

But bug reports are very important! If I had a squamous tentacle for every time someone else has found a bug that I’d have never discovered on my own, for whatever reason, I could make calamari for everyone on the internet!

Heh. Thanks, Leaf! You’re right of course. But I just lost my confidence in my own ability to report quality bugs for Inform, for a while. I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time. Or at least, if anyone did that, I didn’t want it to be me. I think I am a bit more relaxed now about my place in the community – I mean, I know I don’t really fit in, and anyway I can’t really abide ‘hanging out’ regularly enough to really form relationships on web forums or newsgroups, and to boot, I have widely divergent opinions from almost everybody, but I am cool with it, as long as people aren’t too unfriendly.

To be fair, that bit of mathematics can be tough to get your head around sometimes. Also, Inform definitely has problems with arithmetical calculations, so you were close!

The way I see it, if you do report something and it turns out that Inform 7 is working correctly, the team will explain this and you’ll be wiser for it.

As we always say, it’s better to ask or report and be a fool for a day than not to and remain a fool forever!