Inform 6.34

If you’re compiling from a Mac/Linux shell, you have to write:


…so that your shell doesn’t eat the dollar sign.

By the way, we talked briefly in another thread (I don’t have the link) about the idea of omitting unused strings from the compiled game. In theory this could work exactly the same way.

However, the OMIT_UNUSED_ROUTINES option was a serious headache to get working! A new feature to omit unused strings would be just as bad. (It would have to be intertwined with the OMIT_UNUSED_ROUTINES option, because when you drop a routine, you might be able to drop all the routines and strings that it refers to.)

So it’s a good suggestion, but not one I can tackle in the near future.


The command line option is documented for version 6.33, but the source code version of this is not documented. I used the source code version and noted a significant reduction in file size after being compiled.

The !% syntax for options is the second feature listed for the 6.30 release in the release notes.

I know it’s hard to look for feature info when the release notes are organized chronologically. However, until someone writes an updated I6 reference manual, that’s all the docs there is.

Thanks for pointing that out. I guess I should have done a search.

I wonder who will volunteer for editing a DM 4 revised…

I agree with Zarf on the need, but I doubt about the sweating details…

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

I’ve pondered that myself and was told that it needs to come from Graham and he’s not interested.

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I seem to have already pointed out that the pdf: Inform - Support - Patches (Misprints in the Manual), is not on The Interactive Fiction Archive, which is a problem because it corrects some errors of the designers manual 4.pdf, which is there.