Illusions (visual, auditory, and more)

is this a bad time to mention the white and gold/blue and black dress


Nah, it’s obvious the dress is white and gold! :wink:

@HanonO Interestingly I can make my eyes unfocus while looking at the image you posted, but I can’t with the video.


Same. I think when things are moving your eye reflexively is drawn to focus there instead of relaxing past it like you need to.

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Even when pausing the video I couldn’t make it happen. I don’t really need the 3D effect anyways. Maybe my spatial perception is really bad, but in terms of how objects and distances feel I can’t find much difference in the normal 3D projection on a monitor and VR. I probably played too many video games lol.

Yeah, beyond optical and auditory illusions, you kind of need a live demonstration… still, there are surprisingly few audio CDs and youTube videos about auditory illusions, or at least, few I’ve found and the Shepard Scale seems to be the only auditory illusion that’s well known.

And while I’ve never had binocular vision, aside from the illusions that rely on it, I never really felt the absence back when I had a working eye. Granted, depth perception does have monocular cues, not just binocular ones.

Did have trouble focusing my left eye on a specific point back when it worked… Best anyone could tell, my left eye compensated for my complete lack of a right hand visual field by constantly moving to take in as much of my surroundings as possible, making staring at a specific spot hard.


Have you tried it with one of the Magic Eye books?

I’ve always been able to do it from books and magazines. I can’t do it off a computer screen that’s ergonomically-safely-positioned at least an arm length from my face. The reason is that with a book, I instinctively manoeuvre the book to the correct distance and position for my head and eyes, and that distance is closer than a computer screen – like the half an arm vicinity. Now all the bandwidth of my being is going to my eyes to search for this subtle adjustment. As soon as I have to exert to try to position and hold other muscles in my head at the same time, it’s game over.



I don’t believe so, but I once saw some posted on a wall somewhere. I don’t remember where it was, but I stood at different distances and never got it to work.

