IFDB Top 100 (2015-06-26)

The further down the list you look, the more squeezed together are the weighted ratings. A single added 5 star rating for Shuffling Around would move it 38 positions up.

Thanks for the spoiler tag suggestion. The post is much more compact since I implemented it.

For 5ā‚¬, Iā€™ll add that 5 star rating.

Shame on you, trying to extort five euro for a rating on IFDB!



Iā€™ll do it for 4.

/creates a sock puppet offering $3

Interesting ratings are so low. Obviously the minus-factor is pretty strong at such low ratings too. So even a few 4-stars would move it up.

This gives people some nice motivation to go rate their favorite games, though. And thatā€™s always a good thing. Ratings lead to reviewsā€“eventually (?)

Hmm, I donā€™t like the way this is heading. Pretty soon people will be rating games for FREE, and THEN where will we be?

A step away from people testing or reviewing games for free. Quite possibly during times when they should be doing paid work instead. Death to the global economy!

Tsk, tsk. Next people will be actually making and distributing games for free.


I will buck the trend and start charging for everything.

Everyone who reads this post owes me Ā£3. Checks and postal orders to the usual address.

Can someone elaborate on this? For example, are there XML versions of this page: ifdb.tads.org/random?t=controversy

Can someone elaborate on this? For example, are there XML versions of this page: ifdb.tads.org/search URL. This does not seem to work for the random pages unfortunately.

Thank you, that works, for example - I can fetch ratings 3.0 to 6.0, only Inform stories, and only ones with several reviews in XML with this URL: ifdb.tads.org/search?searchfor=r ā€¦ +Games&xml However, the list seems short and seems to stop in the alphabetical Aā€™s?

For Incant! app for Android, I ended up abandoning live fetching from IFDB as I couldnā€™t find a way to filter based on rating and number of reviews. I made CSV files that are open source to anyone: github.com/WakeRealityDev/incan ā€¦ e.java#L19

IFDB mysql dump is getting near the 3 months mark before they dump it again. ifarchive.org/indexes/if-archiveXinfoXifdb.html And I think this makes SQL generated star ratings out of date for new stories, doesnā€™t give fresh author works as much attention. Trying to see if I can get an XML query to account for raising stars.

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The XML version will contain the exact same list of games as the corresponding HTML search/browse page.

You can change the order by adding &sortby= followed by a modifier to the URL. The available modifiers are rel, new and old for search pages; lnew, lold, pnew and pold for browse pages and ratu, ratd, rcu, rcd, ttl, auth and rand for any of them. Instead of randomly trying these out, I suggest you use the sorting dropdown in the HTML result page.

The XML list is also paginated in the same way as the HTML page. In case the result is no longer than 250 items, you can fetch it all by adding &pg=all to the URL. This will also give you the 250 first items with the current sorting order when the result is longer. If you want to fetch further results, you need to add &pg=2, &pg=3 and so on to the URL.

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Cool, thank you for the tips.