I suggest separating “portnographic” in portnographic proper and Erotica (a different animal; debate on the differences (not about the usual EU/US differences) elsewhere if needed…)
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.
If you scroll down the list, you’ll see that “Erotica” is on there – it’s just not used very much. If you have good reason to think that a given game should be in a different genre than it is currently listed, go ahead and change it.
Alternatively, you could start a new tag (assuming it doesn’t exist) like actually erotica
or something along those lines.
“actually erotica”… (thankfully, the cats was out of strafing range…
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.
Ready… Set… GO!
The event was categorized as UTC time, so Tagfest 2024 has officially begun! Put your name on the big board (i.e. the polls at the bottom of the top post) to encourage others to join in, and please register officially for the event if you haven’t already.
Good luck, everyone!
I’m continuing my Quest for the Missing Parser Tag, which I have been doing intermittently for a while now. I just pick a year, set the filter to “lowest rated first”, and work my way through adding “parser” where appropriate.
Rote work, but someone’s gotta do it…
I’m just waking up and barely understanding anything as I wait for the kettle to boil so I can brew some tea, but my main claim to fame on the IFDB tags is I invented the wacky uncle tag, which delights me to no end. In the trophy case of IF accomplishments that exists solely in my mental landscape, the tiny gold star that represents “wacky uncle” nicely counterbalances the other tiny gold star I awarded to myself for inventing the crazy quilt genre for IFWiki.
I have now bookmarked the “wacky uncle” IFDB search page and intend to play all of them. Thank you.
I’ll keep an eye out and try to help with the parser
Welcome to @Overthinking, who is now the 10th officially registered participant!
Have you all been tagging away? If so, give yourself credit on the big board at the bottom of the top post!
Also, @HanonO, would it be OK for this to be a pinned topic for the duration (until the end of October)?
Thanks to @HanonO for the pin!
I see that 6 of 10 registered participants have put themselves on the big board – hopefully everyone else will get a chance to add themselves over the weekend. Every tag counts!
For those participating in TagFest, here’s another thing that might be of interest: Game "geneaology" project
Hey, look at that! We’re up to 12 officially registered participants, and 10 people on the big board. (Don’t forget to update your status from time to time to give yourself credit.)
I’ve seen enough reports to know that at a minimum hundreds of new tags have been added to individual games, and I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it was well over a thousand at this point. There are also many new tags available for use, and even a new format for the “available tags” pages.
To those already involved, keep up the good work. To everyone else – especially those who have already registered as “interested” – come and get involved! It takes just minutes to participate, and every tag counts.
Who’s the angel who added “autocomplete” for tags?
You can read more about it here: Tagfest 2024: Suggested tag consolidations - #54 by dfabulich
It’s Day 10 of TagFest, and we’ve already almost reached the 1/3 mark. It seems like everyone’s efforts are having an effect – I certainly am encountering more tags than ever as I browse through IFDB.
Don’t forget to update your status on the big board, and for everyone who’s just been watching so far: Jump in anytime! The more, the merrier, and every tag counts.
Almost halfway there!
Some fun facts about tags (as of September 1 this year):
- 1,257 users had applied at least one tag.
- There were 5,120 unique tag phrases.
- The mean average user had used about 17 1/3 different tag phrases, applied to just short of 22 games.
- The mean average tag phrase had been applied to just short of 13 games.
We’re up to 14 officially registered participants, and almost everyone is on the big board. How much will these numbers change based on what you are doing this month? Keep up the good work – every tag counts!
Only about a third of October left, and TagFest 2024 continues… Have you been keeping your status up to date on the big board? With IFComp over, have you tagged all of the entered games that you played? This could be the most-tagged batch of comp games in history!
In case you missed it, @FLACRabbit released a tool to help with large-scale tagging. See Announcing... the IFDB Tag Manipulator! for details.
Should games that tell new stories in the worlds of public-domain works count as “fan fiction?” Should they also count even if they are commercial games, such as Sherlock: Riddle of the Crown Jewels and Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur?
I think stories written about public-domain works can be fanfiction—like, I wouldn’t consider amateur Sherlock Holmes stories posted on fanfiction websites “not fanfiction” just because of the copyright status, because they’re clearly created by and for a fan community in the same way other fanfiction is—but personally I would not label commercial works that way. This is a pretty hotly debated topic, though.