IFComp 2024 Review Spreadsheet + Game-Threads and PostMortem Index

I usually think a bit more before posting a potentially negative review. I often come back to a phrase from Molly Ivins, the great political writer:

Texas pols like to 'git tuff' on crime, welfare, commies, and other bad stuff.

We all can imagine roughly what “git tuff” means even if we’ve never heard it before and how (un)helpful it is. This is, of course, different from recognizing your critiques may be tough.

“This worked for me, this didn’t work for me” and “this is what the author can fix post-comp/this is the clearest path to fixing the issues I see” are boiler plate things I can use for something I liked and I didn’t.

Another rule when critiquing: I try not to build to a big climax when I do–I’ve seen that happen when someone is trying to teach someone else a life lesson, and I think it’s pretty ungainly even when I agree with the teacher’s basic message. When it comes to critiques, I like to turn down the temperature so anything that’s valid gets through without leaving the reader feeling obliged to beat themselves up before deciding what to do next.


Yup I think it’s important that reviewers are kind in their approach if possible. Critical where appropriate, but not cruel or unkind.

Equally it’s important that authors are aware that they may get critical reviews. And ideally do not react badly publicly to these. Partly for their own perception among fellow voters, partly because it’s not necessarily fair on the reviewers.

I know that a number of reviewers in past years have had significant backlash to their critiques in review. And in some cases have now chosen to post much more positive leaning reviews. That is a valid choice. Though I do think it’s not good for authors to react during the competition in an aggressively defensive way.


Haven’t had the chance to write or play much during this year’s IFComp (because I’m visiting my LDR partner hehehe), but I did write a lot of reviews for last year’s.

My general rule when writing reviews is that they’re all “critical” (positive or negative) and strictly a personal exercise. I don’t like fluff (I dislike the sandwich structure where you have to find something positive to begin and end on), and I assume people are as busy as me (or worse, busier!). So, I just write what is taking the most attention for me and then end it there.

This might mean a review that’s just three sentences long (see my Bali B&B Review) or as long as some New York Review Books article. Whatever critical insight I get will be on the page. Any word printed must never be extraneous.

Because I’m unsure if there is a science or art to constructive criticism besides “don’t be a meanie”, I also like to make sure that what I wrote includes how I think and my historical, cultural, economical, and cultural backgrounds. I’m not aiming for so-called objective writing. I want someone who, blindfolded, realizes that “yep, that’s Kastel writing this review and not Mathbrush or whoever else.”

I think a review is a personal journey through a work. An exercise in contemplation alongside the work, if you will. If the author of the game or some reader finds any value in this exercise, that’s awesome. Otherwise, they can chuck it away as another personal rambling and move on with their life.

With a few exceptions like gentility and accurate characterizations of the work and creator, I don’t owe my duty to the author or readers but myself. I am trying to articulate what I find valuable, interesting, and meaningful in a work. Such a personal exploration cannot always be useful in all contexts.

But I hope that chronicling them provides some entertainment and insight, like any other craft, on a dreary cold day like this in the UK. I think most importantly, reviewing should be a fun journaling exercise for the reviewer/critic. While we may publish for the public to read our silly thoughts, it should still be as much a hobby as making a game is.

I’m glad the IntFiction community fosters such a vibrant reviewing culture to allow eclectic reviewers like me. Unfortunate I can’t participate as much as I would like, but I am looking forward to reading more critical reviews in this competition!


Thank you, Kastel. I think this sums it up right here. A review is for the reviewer, first and foremost. If someone is impacted by a work so much that they feel the need to express themselves about how it impacted them, positively or negatively, that might be valuable feedback for an author, or valuable information for another potential player. But it’s cathartic for the reviewer.

When I write reviews, sometimes I’m thinking about the author, as in, I am writing to suggest to the author what I liked or what I didn’t like, in the hopes that future works by that author might end up being more like my likes and less like my dislikes. But sometimes I’m just venting. Or praising. Or just “feeling on paper, in public”. Sometimes I’m just expressing how the work made me feel, and if anyone else gets something out of it, cool.

Ultimately, I hope that authors don’t feel bad about reviews that I write, and if I did mention anything negative, that they realize it’s aimed at the work, not them personally. And I really don’t participate or condone those kinds of reviewers that seem to slam and ridicule works (Such as [this guy](Yahtzee Croshaw - Wikipedia), who made fame and fortune by ridiculing the works of others for the entertainment of others). I mean, I guess that kind of review has a certain place in entertainment, but that’s not my style, for sure.

But if there’s something I didn’t like about a game, I’m definitely going to mention it, and I may not mince words about it. If I bother to review the game at all, that is. I review a third or less of the games I finish, because for many works, I just didn’t “feel” enough to speak to it. That’s not to say there was anything bad about the work, but possibly it just didn’t connect with me for whatever reason. So I guess if I am reviewing your game, it means you at least got me to take notice?

I am holding off posting my reviews for IF Comp 2024 until the end. And most likely I will be posting to IFDB but maybe I’ll link to them on a thread here somewhere.



Is it intended for the most-reviewed titles to be a soft green, and the 2nd most-reviewed a bright green? I keep getting confused by it personally!


I’d like this to be changed as well if possible!


Fixed (just needed to switch the colours in the conditional formatting).

Also while I’m at it, I’ve linked more Game Discussions Threads (Hanon turned the first post into a Wiki, so any Regular member can add links now! Just don’t mess with the rest of the text :pray: ) and went around the Forum to hunt missed reviews (quite a few threads).

And some milestones:

  • Every entry has had a public review!
  • The Public median is now at 3~!
  • The Total median is now at 5~!

300+ total reviews passed!


I added my two reviews, hopefully I didn’t mess something up!


Noticed that we’ve just got to a total of 500 reviews so far. Well done everyone! Thanks so much :slight_smile:


Lots happened since last week!
Added again some missing links for threads and reviews :slight_smile:

Some milestones!

  • Public median is now at 6 (doubled!)
  • Total media is now at 8!
    and like Viv pointed out…

500+ total reviews

(and 400+ public ones!)


One last day to vote!! Bring it on, let’s get more reviews than ever before!


I’ve thrown a new prize into the pool, since we had less than 20 of them!


We’re currently up to 22 prizes; if we get one more, then the top third of games will each get one prize!


Also, please consider putting reviews on IFDB! Right now, 47 games only have 1 review (mine) and 1 game has 0. Only 5 games have 3 reviews.

The people on this review spreadsheet are the majority of the possible reviewing audience; your thoughts and reactions can help future people play the game!


Please do consider this! It has been lovely reading so many thoughtful perspectives on this year’s comp, it makes the community such a vibrant place! Going forward, IFDB will be the primary vector for people discovering these works, so posting your review there will bless the community with your viewpoint for years to come. Please take the time to allow your voice to be cherished as you deserve! :slightly_smiling_face:


One hour left!

Get in all those last-minute votes (if you have any)!


And that’s time!

Great comp, everyone!


Wooo! Nice work, guys! Now we just … wait …

4 days … :laughing:


Great comp and great games. Thanks for all the people participating in any flavour.


tip: the spreadsheet allows a quick opening of the reviews, useful now in writing postmortems.

HTH and

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.