IF in the Wild - Unexpected mentions of IF in places not explicitly about IF

I put a review on IFDB some years ago if anyone’s interested:


This is a big one, folks! Remember us when you’ve hit the majors, @cchennnn!


Oh wow!

Well-done, Autumn!!


Earlier today, I was talking with two of my friends about a song I was writing, about a conspiracy group (fictional and very darkly comedic). The lyrics reference the “Long Water, 4 o’clock” part of Trinity, and Kensington Park, etc. I told them that it referenced “Trinity” and they just said “oh yeah, Trinity! We know that one.” I proceeded to ask if they meant “the really old one about nuclear bombs”. They said yes and said they knew about it before.

It wasn’t me who told them, surprisingly. And they have never played a text adventure before in my life.

This gets even weirder if you know a little bit about me.


So just for reference, Trinity was a nuclear test in real life. Not sure if they thought you meant that.


Oh, I know :slightly_smiling_face: They mentioned they hadn’t “played that game” but wanted to (regarding Trinity).

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WHOOO Autumn!

Let’s do everything we can to keep Autumn’s viral status going, y’all! Plug this game mercilessly everywhere. More attention to Autumn = more attention to the whole IF world.


The IF-world’s Atlas. Quite the responsability.

I’ve gotten some good responses to Social Democracy from friends I know to be avid readers and politically minded. Maybe if they also share it with some of their friends…


Ack, I didn’t mean we should lay the weight of the IF community on Autumn’s shoulders! Quite the opposite-- we should all lift this game up as much as we can because:
1.) Everyone should play Autumn’s games because they kick ass, and
2.) IF doesn’t get viral moments that often, and hopefully some people will say “I love this kind of game! I want to play more like it!” and will find their way to IFDB. A win for one could be a win for all if we all do our part.


Dr. Lunatic Supreme With Cheese has a hidden text adventure in it that is actually based on the actual locations and events in the game.

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Possibly only IF adjacent, but in Liberty - Vigilance, episode 2 (from Fool & Scholar Productions) the protagonists play part of a text based RPG as part of their ongoing investigations.

Edit, spelling.