Something like[code][Setup]
There is a room.
Heat-behavior is a kind of value. The heat-behaviors are melter and burner.
A material is a kind of thing.
Some materials are defined by the Table of Material Properties.
Table of Material Properties
material material-adjective (indexed text) destroying heat heat-behaviour corrosion resistance
iron “iron” 10 melter 995
wood “wooden” 3 burner 970
adamant “adamantine” 999 melter 1000
A material thing is a kind of thing.
Every material thing has a material called the substance.
[Intermediate Relation]
Constitution relates a material thing (called the item) to a material (called the substance) when the substance is the substance of the item.
Understand “[something related by constitution]” as a material thing. [Understanding by relation for understanding things as things.]
Understand the material-adjective property as describing a material. [Understanding by property for understanding other understandable values as things.]
A shield is a kind of material thing. The substance of a shield is usually iron.
A staff is a kind of material thing. The substance of a staff is usually wood.
A ring is a kind of material thing. The substance of a ring is usually adamant.
Here are a shield, a staff, and a ring.
Test me with “x wooden/x iron/x adamantine”.[/code] perhaps?