I wasn’t actually sure exactly what you wanted to do, so I also tried this thing where you can tell NPCs to give orders to each other (like “patient, tell doctor to examine you”).
The instructor is a person that varies.
The instructee is a person that varies.
The instructed command is indexed text that varies.
The instruction stage is a number that varies.
["instructing" is only true when an NPC (the instructee) is acting by order of another NPC (the instructor)]
To decide whether instructing: if the instruction stage is positive, yes; no.
Before reading a command when instructing: decrease the instruction stage by one.
For reading a command when instructing:
change the text of the player's command to "[instructee], [instructed command]";
[so that "tell doctor to jump" works just like "doctor, jump": ]
if the instructor is the player, change the instruction stage to 0;
Ordering it to is an action applying to one thing and one topic.
Understand "tell [someone] to [text]", "ask [someone] to [text]" or "order [someone] to [text]" as ordering it to.
Understand the command "instruct" as "order".
Carry out an actor ordering someone to:
change the instruction stage to two;
change the instructor to the person asked;
change the instructee to the noun;
change the instructed command to the topic understood;
[To keep the every turn rules, advance time rule, etc. from running twice: ]
The skip to next turn before instructing rule is listed before the every turn stage rule in the turn sequence rulebook.
This is the skip to next turn before instructing rule: if the instruction stage is greater than one, rule succeeds.
[To avoid "There is no reply" if we type "doctor, tell patient to adsfasd": ]
Instead of answering someone that when instructing, say "[The instructor] gives you a confused look."
Understand "herself/himself" as a person when instructing and the item described is the instructee.
Understand "you" as a person when instructing and the item described is the instructor.
A first persuasion rule for asking someone to try ordering someone to: persuasion succeeds.
Persuasion rule when instructing (this is the NPC persuades NPC rule):
if the instructor is a woman and the instructee is a man, persuasion succeeds;
if the instructor is the instructee, say "That's too complicated." instead;
say "[The instructee] ignores [the instructor]." instead;
[Persuasion rules that are only for when the player asks an NPC need "when not instructing" appended to them: ]
Persuasion rule for asking someone to try doing something when not instructing: say "[The actor] sniffs. 'The only thing I'll do for you is tell other people what to do.'" instead.
The Lab is a room. The doctor is a woman in the lab. The patient is a man in the lab.
Test me with "tell doctor to examine patient / patient, tell doctor to examine you / doctor, tell patient to exmaine himself/ doctor, tell patient to examine himself".