I7: Making a scene last for a certain number of turns.

How is this possible? The scenes section of the I7 documentation isn’t helping. :neutral_face:

Train Stop ends when the time since Train Stop began is 3 minutes.

A minute is - by default - equal to 1 turn.

This is covered (unsystematically) in chapter 10.3 of the I7 documentation: Using the Scenes Index.

I tried this but it gave me an error message.

One oddity is that this works:

Train Stop ends when the time since Train Stop began is 3 minutes.

But this does not compile:

Train Stop ends when the time since Train Stop began is 3 turns.

So 1 turn is not 1 minute. The difference is subtle as 1 minute does (by default) last for one turn.

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You can just spell out what you want:

Train-stop-turns is a number that varies.

Every turn during Train Stop:
	increase train-stop-turns by 1.

Train Stop ends when train-stop-turns is five.
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For a recurring scene add:

When train stop begins:
     now train-stop-turns is 0.
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