[I7] Conditionally blocking the exit from a room

Hello, my helpful friends!

I have this as part of the code for a location called the taproom:

Instead of going east when George is in the taproom: say "George bars the way."

…but it generates this error message:

What is the correct way to bar the exit from a room in certain circumstances?

This works for me:

Taproom is a room. Back Room is east of the taproom.

George is a man in the taproom.

Instead of going east from the taproom when George is in the taproom:
	say "George bars the way."

I’ve added “from the taproom”, because the original phrasing would prevent the player from going east from anywhere when George is in the taproom.

If it’s possible that George could be sitting on a chair or otherwise not directly contained in the taproom, then a better test would be:

when the location of George is the taproom

Thanks vlaviano.