How to not list various things carried by the player?

When i list the contents of the player, is there a way to make a certain kind of things not listed?

I have tried to omit listing a specific kind of things (carried by the player). However this produces a simple ‘a’ for every listed thing that i want to not be listed.

I have tried to mark the kind of thing as not marked for listing (does not work either).


an Item is a kind of thing. 
a Weapon is a kind of thing.

A Weapon is always not marked for listing.

does not work.

an Item is a kind of thing. 
a Weapon is a kind of thing.

Rule for printing the name of a weapon:
      omit contents in listing.

does not work either, and produces an ‘a’, for every weapon carried by the player.

Anyone got any ideas?
Thanks :slight_smile:

Arena is a room.

A weapon is a kind of thing.

A sword and a mace are weapons in the Arena.
A loincloth is a wearable thing in the Arena. Understand "loin" and "cloth" as the loincloth.
A silver coin is a thing in the Arena.
A basket is an open container in the Arena.

This is the print standard inventory without weapons rule:
	now all things enclosed by the player are marked for listing;
	now all weapons enclosed by the player are unmarked for listing;
	if no things enclosed by the player are marked for listing:
		instead say "[We] [are] carrying nothing." (A);
	say "[We] [are] carrying:[line break]" (B);
	list the contents of the player, with newlines, indented, including contents, giving inventory information, with extra indentation, listing marked items only.
The print standard inventory without weapons rule substitutes for the print standard inventory rule.

Test me with "i / take all weapons / i / take all / i / put sword in basket / i / take sword / i".

Note that this only suppresses listing weapons that are directly carried by the player, not weapons that are indirectly carried.

Ahhh! I see my mistake now, thank you.

I didn’t explicitly define “listing marked items only” when listing the contents of the player.

Thanks! :smiley: