How do I display integers in Inform 7?

Hello everyone. I am new to Inform 7, and I don’t know how to display integers in Inform. I know how to make them and stuff But I don’t know how to print them on screen. If anyone could help me. Thanks! :slight_smile:


I’m stupid, I just figured it out. Lol

Welcome … sometimes just asking the question helps us figure it out. That’s happened to me, too. So you’re not the first.

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I actually use this as a strategy. I type out the question in the “Reply” box, trying to get it as specific as I can. Often just doing that, along with quoting the relevant bit of code and seeing it set apart in the context of my question, gives me an idea for how to fix it. Then I can cancel the message.

This may be unbelievable to many people, considering the volume of questions I ask here, but I delete over half of my question posts before publishing them, because this method works.


I’ve done it too. I also imagine what the people who give lots of technical help would say. “Did you try X/Y/Z?” Sometimes trying X/Y/Z helps me figure what’s going on.

But there may be a problem with that. Because I think some of my unasked questions would legitimately help others less experienced at Inform than myself. Even “hey! I didn’t know you could do A!” when I say, “I know how to do A, but how can I do B?”

I’ve often wondered about starting up a “Hey! Look what I figured on my own!” topic. There could be a lot of useful stuff, but it might be all over the place. I’d be interested in reading others’.


Yeah, I haven’t been writing much IF lately, but answering questions here frequently sends me delving into the internals of Inform, and I learn a lot along the way! For example, I didn’t actually know how “in the presence of” worked until that question about the ambiguity of “in” a couple days ago.


The technical term for this is “Rubber Duck Debugging” method. Very common, actually.