Glulx on Portable Phones

I sent a copy of my recently released Glulx game to a friend, who asked whether it could be played on his portable phone. I’m sure this is a very basic question, but I know nothing about these new-fangled telephones (I just recently traded in my set of tin cans and a string for a rotary-dial phone. :slight_smile: ) Is there a Glulx interpreter that can run on telephones?


Robert Rothman

On iPhones he can use Frotz. Nothing native yet for Android, but he could try Parchment I guess?

Unfortunately, the game was a little bit too big to compile to z-machine (probably due to my inefficient code), so I had to use glulx. I thought that Frotz only plays z-machine games – is that not correct?


Robert Rothman

iPhone Frotz now includes Glulxe.

Thanks. Where is it available?

Robert Rothman

The same place every iOS app is: in the App Store. If he has an iPhone he’ll know how to find it.

Note that it’s called iFrotz.

No, it’s called “Frotz” in the App Store.

Hrm, wonder where I got that idea…?

Stuff like this probably.