gDobj/dobjFor Action Issues [TADS 3]

Hello! I am fairly new to Tads, but I’m getting the hang of it. I’m currently attempting to create a simple watering action in relation to a plant. The code functions properly, but then I add

if(gDobj == Pothos)

to the mix, and suddenly it stops working. I assume that I made an error somewhere along creating the new action, but I’m not sure where. I’d like a gDobj function added to the code so that I can add more plants to the watering action later down the road. I also attempted a dobjFor(Water) string beneath the Pothos object so that I didn’t have to use gDobj, but that did not function either. Here is my code:

            if(gDobj == Pothos)
                 if(Pothos.CurrentSaturation == 'Dry')
                        " You saturate the soil with the watering can. ";
                        Pothos.CurrentSaturation = 'Wet';
                        StartPothosMoist(); //*My fuse for plant drying out, appears to work*//
                else if(Pothos.CurrentSaturation != 'Dry')
                        " This plant does not need water at this time. ";
        else if(!WaterCan.isHeldBy(me))
            " You need a watering can to do this. ";
    Water : Achievement { +5 "Points. <.p> You've watered a plant. " }

    ('water' | 'saturate' | 'douse')  singleDobj
    : WaterAction
    verbPhrase = 'water/watering (what)'

Since you’re using DefineIAction, the gDobj is always nil (despite using singleDobj in the verb grammar). You’d need to create a TAction (“water plant”) or a TIAction (“water plant with can”) instead.

What Adrian said… all of your behavior code should go in pothos’ dobjFor(Water) method… (with Water being a TAction or TIAction)