Gauging interest for a New England IF meetup

I’ll be willing to host a meetup somewhere in New England if critical mass can be achieved. If you’re tentatively interested, reply with what metro area you live in, how far you’d be willing to travel, and any constraints on weekend availability. Once there are a handful of responses I’ll create a poll to set a place and time.

To start, I’m not really in any metro area but my closest one is Nashua, NH. I don’t foresee any constraints and I’ll host almost anywhere in New England except maybe north or east of Bangor.

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I don’t live in New England anymore, but you may want to loop in the People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction (PR-IF, in the Boston area). They’ve mostly been meeting online since 2020, but had a hybrid in-person meeting at MIT in December, so there’s definitely some interest.


Ah, nice. I had no idea that group existed. There’s mention of a mailing list but no obvious info on how to join it. Ping @zarf who seems to be the organizer?

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Nevermind, I found it. Had to switch to the desktop site for the About link to be visible.

Sorry, I just slapped on the simplest wordpress theme I could find.

We have been mostly meeting on Zoom, but we might go back to meeting at MIT some months for 2025. (Maybe alternate months.) Not sure yet!

Also, I’m trying to hand off being organizer. Interested? :)

I wasn’t especially planning on doing this as a recurring thing, especially with MIT being a bit of a schlep from where I live. But I’ll show up for the next F2F and then we’ll talk :-).

Not in the New England area, but as a socially isolated nerd living in the middle of nowhere, I would kill to find a meetup group where attendance would actually be remotely feasible.

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