Frotz for mac

Now copy and paste the following line into a Terminal window and press Enter:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL

This installs Brew.

Type brew update to update the catalog.

Type brew install frotz to install Frotz.

I’ll be working on getting Brew’s installation of Frotz updated to 2.51.

It’s not needed. Or used, even. It’s the xcode command line tools that are needed. The homebrew installer will install them if they’re missing.

Installing XCode is just a waste of disk space.

I copied and paste it it but it did nothing

Try it again like this:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Make sure that it ends with a straight quotation mark (") and nothing else. Also, make sure that you paste it into a new Terminal window. Just open a new one.

If only, someone could make a youtube video with voice over and, show me how to do it from there.

Perhaps you could make a video showing what goes wrong when you try to do it? Or at least a screenshot or two?

EDIT: There’s also this:

How do I show the video?

I am not sure if any of you can see this but, here is my video.

There seems to be a typo in the code snipped posted by David Griffith. It is missing a right parenthesis and an end-quote. Without these, the shell thinks you’re going to continue the command on the next line, which would explain the “greater than” prompt. The code snippets posted by Petter Sjölund do not have this problem.

All code snippets in this thread require you to have ruby and curl installed. If you type “ruby -v” (that’s ruby, space, dash, small letter v) into the terminal, do you get version information, or does the shell complain about a missing command? What if you type curl?

Also, all the code snippets use the dollar-parentheses syntax for including the output of another command. This works if your shell is bash. But I noticed in the video that it said “c-shell” at one point, and c-shell doesn’t understand this syntax. You could try to type bash (into c-shell) and then try one of Petter’s code snippets.

By the way, the video was hard to follow, because the camera was aimed too high. The audio was useful. But if you’re still stuck after this, I think a screenshot of the terminal window could be really helpful.

how do I install ruby

it would help me alot if someone could make a video using voice-over so that I can see what I am doing wrong.

Ruby already comes installed with macOS.

I type the command lines to install Frotz but it still is not cooperating

Can you paste the command here so we can check if it’s correct?

this is the commandline that I pasted

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL


The command you posted is split over several lines. It should all be a single line. In case this is some sort of text copy issue with the forum, here is a link to a text-only page that contains the command on a single line. You should be able to select the whole text on the page, paste it into a terminal and press enter:

I tried that and it still did not cooperate it didn’t do a thing

Just to double check that there isn’t some fundamental problem, it’s worth getting exactly what happens when you type a basic command before worrying about more elaborate ones. The terminal will rarely do absolutely nothing. It will say something, even if it’s an error.

So what happens if you just type brew? Just type that and press Return/Enter.

It doesn’t sound like you have it installed yet, so what should happen is that command would return output in the Terminal saying something like

brew: command not found

Homebrew requires Ruby, which is normally installed on a Mac system. So try this:

ruby -v

That should give you some information as output. It would either tell you Ruby is not installed (and thus is a “command not found”) but very much more likely is it’s going to give you some information about the version of Ruby.

Let’s just make sure you are getting output at the terminal before worrying about more complicated things. So if you can report what your terminal says after those two commands are entered, that will at least make sure that the terminal is operating as we all are expecting.

Make sure you quit all Terminal windows. Maybe you have snippets of previous attempts still in there. I’d say close everything, reboot, and try fresh. Do not forget to confirm the command by pressing enter after you paste it into the terminal. Make sure the text cursor is at the very end of the input before you press enter.

if someone could upload a video to YouTube using voice over and paste it to me I would be able to follow a lot better with it