For those fluent in inform7, how long would it take you to implement Cloak of Darkness?

I still think that Cloak of Darkness is pretty good for showing off the capabilities of an IF creation system. Certainly a lot better than what programmers have been throwing around for decades: “Hello World”, “Bottles of Beer on a Wall”, “Fibonacci”: those usually tell you very little about what it’s really like to use a certain programming language.

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Agreed, but I don’t think that COD is meant to show off the capabilities of a language, but rather to expose limitations of languages, some of which don’t even have a working version of COD.

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A prize for the first person to submit a working example authored in Brainfuck see here



Can’t argue with those comparisons!



Does it benefit from access to an object-oriented or rule-oriented coding idiom? -not really.
Does it benefit from having a detailed world model in a standard library - not so much.
Does it benefit from a sophisticated parser- not at all: a few single word commands are fine

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Perhaps, but it’s hard to imagine that a language exists that anyone might reasonably consider using to code IF in which COD couldn’t be implemented?

There are kitchen appliances that one wouldn’t use to cook an egg, but…


I remember Jon Ripley doing a text adventure in that…
The link to his website wasn’t working when I just tried it, but it is archived…

Also the game in a browser


Heh. A Brainf*** game is pretty impressive. I’d also like to see Unlambda

And there is another English natural-language programming language out there, Osmosian. That’d be fun, too.

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Unsurprisingly, I’ve never seen anything in Unlambda. Apparently there is a text adventure in Piet… No idea how it plays but, as with anything Piet, the source code looks great. :slight_smile: DM's Esoteric Programming Languages - Piet Samples

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That this exists is as mindboggling as the Antikythera mechanism

I particularly enjoyed the following comment in the Readme:

as coding a decent parser in Brainf*** is non-trivial

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obfuscated COD !!!