For our resident philosophers

I usually have some sort of stubble, but that is unrelated to philosophy and has more to do with the fact that I want to look like Clint Eastwood in “A Fistful of Dollars”.

I hereby submit that we biologists are well-bearded too. My doctorate beard is coming in great.

I’ve been in a relationship with a biologist, and she didn’t have a beard. So I’m not convinced yet.

FWIW I’m married to one. She does not have a beard either, so it seems our personal experiences here does not particularly support the “biologists are bearded” hypothesis.

Edit: this is why biologists invented the term sexual dimorphism.

It might support the “biology is less sexually discriminatory than philosophy” hypothesis.

Biologists are like female dwarves. Their beards are just a cliche.

I’m an ex-philosopher married to an ex-biologist. Neither of us is bearded.
I can’t for the life of it figure out what hypothesis that supports …

Since this seems to be Happy Funtime Anecdata Hour, I can testify that one can get through at least a philosophy BA while remaining neatly-shaven, but an Alaskan winter will crush the most resolute of wills.

Those are some impressive beards. I want to try the chinstrap too, one day, at least for a photo.

I couldn’t grow a beard even if I wanted to, so it’s a good thing I’m a musician rather than a philosopher.

It is a bit funny how much you really can tell from appearance though. I thought about that last tuesday, when we had a kickoff at work. Our school of music belongs to the same administrative unit as the local libraries and youth recreation centres (I wonder if that’s the right term for it - that’s what Google translate gave me). Someone who knew none of us could easily have guessed which of us are the music teachers, which are librarians and which work at the youth centres, just by looking at us.

I don’t think the beard makes the philosopher, although the philosopher might make the beard!

The great(est?) British philosopher J S Mill once wrote:

Taking this to heart I tried an experimental style for about a week last year:

Does that also explain this?

Yes, climbingstalker, I suppose it does.

Wow. You really DO look like Guybrush Threepwood.

I remember my aunt digging up a piece of retro wisdom: the thing about nonconformists is that they all dress alike! (Late I know, but as likely the onetime wearer of the biggest beard among us, I had to weigh in on this critical matter.)

There might be correlation between how philosophical a person is and the length of their beard.

With a little ingenuity I’m quite sure that one could come up with some correlation.

Alas, there are many famous beardless philosophers, Wittgenstein and Simone de Beauvoir come to mind.

However, the connection with facial hirsuteness and a love of wisdom was firmly established thousands of years ago, so much so that the topic has an extensive and greatly enlightening wikipedia section devoted to it.

(And yes Peter, Guybrush (circa MI2) is my pogonological and sartorial idol.)

Now I’ve got that song stuck in my head again.

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