Final Girl does not require payment

I just browsed the if-wizz blog and noticed that Final Girl was one of the two games he did not play because he thought he had to pay do do so: “it is not free for everyone”.

StoryNexus does give authors monetization options, but Final Girl does not use any of these per the comp rules. It’s possible to “tip” authors, but this is not a requirement to play the game, and I certainly hope nobody actually thought they needed to pay a fee to play my game.

Nobody claimed it requires payment. That website says you need to register. That’s true, isn’t it?

I didn’t pay a dime. Or a penny. It is available without payment.

Again, who claimed it requires payment? On the website HanonO referred to, I cannot find any such statement. This seems like a non-discussion.

It’s been updated. Originally it read “This game is not free for everyone.”

Sorry for that, for some reasons (ask Mrs. Merkel) I can’t register on American or British Websites just for a game, so I concluded there is a serious barrier and it’s »not free available«. I didn’t think about payment stuff at any time and deleted this confusing statement two days ago, it’s just a game requiring registration and would be far more availabe with a guest login delivered as part of it. Final Girl is the game with the fewest number of ratings and I think it basically has to do with the registration constraint.

Sorry about that. Storynexus games are in large part played in small bursts over a long period, so a guest login wouldn’t work. It will accept your Facebook or Twitter login, but I understand people not wanting to do that.

Ah, I found a possible source for the misunderstanding: »free« in English sounds like the German »frei« as adjective for »freedom« (»Freiheit«), we have completely other terms like »umsonst« or »gratis« to say that something is free of charge. So »not free available« sounds in German souls like constricted liberty to do something and not as business matter. English is not my mother tongue and I don’t intend to nerve somebody with such refinements, but sometimes it just happens unintentionally.

It is, to be fair, one of the most ambiguous words in the English language. (‘Free as in speech, or free as in beer?’)

Completely understandable. Thank you!