Thanks for saving me from plugging my own game (and I’ll agree that Of Their Shadows Deep is a cool example of telling an autobiographical story via atypical means)! Yup, Sting is a straight memoir, and I did try to think about interactivity, and the different actions available to players, interact with a story that actually happened and which I didn’t want to present as more malleable than it was. So it might be an interesting example to look at – I wrote an Author’s Note that goes into more of my approach in case that’s of interest, too.
Tracey, from your initial note I’m not sure whether you’re thinking about parser-based or choice-based systems, but I think there are a lot more examples on the choice-based side of things. Bez’s Pseudo-Dementia Exhibition has a really creative approach to presenting a traumatic experience and recovery, for example, while the Budacanta demo overlays some systems and mechanics on an autobiographical story.
Good luck with your efforts!