End game score display


I’m doing a story were besides the main story there’s also encountering bonus stuff and for each bonus thing encountered you gain a point.

I already have custom sentences when using the “score” command but when the game ends, i’d like to be able to have a custom line for the score. is that possible?

Thank you.


i found

but i can’t seem to use it to change the end game scoring declaration.


Use scoring.

When play begins, increase the score by 5.
Instead of jumping, finish up.

To finish up:
	say "You bunch up your muscles and leap into oblivion, knowing you are [score in words] times better than anyone else!";   
	end the story saying "Your score is [score]."

Home is a room.

it still says


and if i use When play ends: say "ENDGAME TEST"; end the story saying "END--GAME TEST!!!". all it does is, when i end the game, says “ENDGAME” once and then nothing. (turns out the last word in the say line is left out for some reason…)

Use scoring. The print final score rule does nothing.
When play begins, increase the score by 5.
Instead of jumping, end the story saying "Look, you won!"

When play ends, say "ENDGAME TEST".
After printing the player's obituary, say "Your score is [score]."

Home is a room.

“When play ends” activates when you end the story. Calling it recursively is not intended use.

Thanks for that! :slight_smile: