editing the Basic Help Menu by Emily Short

In the Basic Help Menu by Emily Short, the first selection is “Introduction to [story title]”, and the proceeding screen displays “This is a simple [genre] game.”

Is there a way to add to and/or edit what is displayed on this screen?

Many Inform 7 extensions include documentation. To find the documentation for an extension, add the extension to your Inform 7 story and look for it in the extensions tab (on the top right half) of the Inform 7 app. Selecting the extension should open its documentation if there is any. If you select Basic Help Menu you can read how to configure it:

Thanks, heartless zombie. I did read through the Documentation for the extension, but it did not give me any advice on what I wanted to accomplish. I’d like to take her default menu selection “Introduction” (and only this menu selection, nothing else), and add text to the proceeding screen.

This example from the documentation will set the text that appears in the proceeding screen for the Introduction option:

When play begins: choose row 1 in Table of Basic Help Options; now description entry is "This is a game about my grandmother's adventures during World War II..."

This works (it is row 1) because the menu option Introduction to [story title] is the first option in the menu. To reproduce what is normally printed you can copy the quote from the extension:

When play begins: choose row 1 in Table of Basic Help Options; now description entry is "This is a simple demonstration [story genre] game."

To change the text that appears for the Introduction option, simply edit the description entry quote.

Aaaah, okay. Thanks again very much, heartless zombie. I did not understand the “Row 1” thing the first time around.