The division of the comp into two categories seems to have worked well, with four entries in Le Grand Guignol section that mightn’t have qualified last year.

bounce bounce bounce This is exciting :3

eek! I didn’t realize we were in for public judging. Oh well. Learning Experience, here I come.

p.s. Some bit of software on my computer, horrified at an alien .zip file, informs me that this .zip is “rarely downloaded” and might be dangerous. Spooky! Very meta.

Agh, please ignore the .tws file included in mine and use the .html; I wasn’t sure how much was needed!

Hah, you got that message too? I was amused.

Is public EctoComp discussion permissable? Everybody/anybody can judge? Can we post reviews? /such n00b

I’m pretty sure we can talk in public since it’s a relaxed comp.

I don’t know whether participants can also submit scores though.

I was leading last year’s scores in the Ectocomp 2014 thread, and a ton of them said “I’m skipping this one because it’s mine.” In fact, I think most score-givers were authors.

I wanted to put out a note of warning for anyone who hasn’t dug into the games yet.

Content Warning for ASHES - this game contains language, violence and references to implied sexual violence (but that last one is subtextual and not at all graphic).

Just in case anyone is sensitive to these things and wants some forewarning.

As one of those who was vocal about his support for EctoComp, I’m thrilled to see all these entries. Thanks to everyone who entered. I am looking forward to playing these games.


Thank you for arranging this! It’s been a hilarious and awesome experience. I’m really looking forward to playing the other entries.

A possibly dumb question (since this is my first year participating): I assume participants aren’t allowed to vote?

You should make another thread with the announcement! The link to the competition page shouldn’t be buried on a random page in this thread.

@cvaneseltine - Thanks for the tip. I’ve never managed to get my head around any of the free source control systems so I’ll be sure to check out your guide [emote]:)[/emote]

@All who entered - Congratulations and good luck! You’re already one step closer to winning by not deleting your story right before the submission deadline. I look forward to playing all the entries!

The thing to remember is that if you get it right once, then just repeat a bunch, you will get the hang of it. I still have a textfile of commands I use most just in case I forget. (I use Git PowerShell for Windows.)

Oh, and don’t be afraid to start with a totally silly project you’re going to delete later. The important thing to focus on is mastering the commands.

You guys probably saw this, but it’s such perfect timing that you’re talking about it that I couldn’t resist.

Actually I’d forgotten about XKCD for a bit. So thanks!

Seriously, though, the relief of having a project backed up has I think helped me to try new stuff. Or just see the code changes I made to check if something is crashingly wrong.

Also, I laughed when I saw my GitHub progress map today.

[spoiler]The colors are brown/orange/yellow instead of shades of green.[spoiler]

I made pages for the competition and all the games on IFDB. They’re just stubs. I filled in what I thought I could.

Thanks! I went and added some tags and a blurb to my entry. I appreciate your work! Also, I loved the nested nature of your game.

Now’s one of those times when a meta-site to add games to IFWiki at the same time (like Carolyn suggested) would come in handy.

Thanks for adding the entries! +1 to loving the nested nature of your game, but more to come when I write up proper (short) reviews of everything on my blog.

Hi everyone!

There are only a few days left to vote on ECTOCOMP 2015!
So far I have received just four sets of completed voting forms.

It’s not necessary to write a review or notes for each if you don’t want to, but it’s always useful and nice for authors to receive feedback.

Send your voting forms to me at jason.guest[at]

J. J. Guest